
Reilly Group creates public affairs and corporate social responsibility programs to advance client’s goals and drive results. Program success and sustainability are a result of our ability to analyze the environment, provide the right tools and education, and bring stakeholders together to solve pressing problems -- improving the quality of life for communities. 

We are the architects of Typical or Troubled?®, a corporate social responsibility program focused on improving students’ ability to thrive and stay in school.

Offered in English and Spanish, this program focuses on early identification of mental health issues and connecting students to resources. Now in over 37 states, this initiative has been successfully implemented in some of our largest school communities including Miami-Dade County Public Schools. 


  • Created Corporate Social Responsibility model for client, resulting in engaging volunteers and 10 major companies investing time, funds and passion

  • Developed and advocated for Federal legislation with Senators on student mental health

  • Partnered with over 50 national education and health organizations

  • Managed $3.5 million grant program

  • Strengthened referral systems in 2500 + districts

  • Trained 90,000+ school staff, impacting over a million students

  • Tripled appropriate referrals for student mental health  

  • Recognized as national 2015 innovative solution for school mental health by the US Department of Health and Human Services


The Reilly Group developed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, called Women in Balance, for the founder of a successful women’s product company.

We brought together leading experts and women’s organizations to conceptualize this initiative that also served as the philanthropic legacy of the company’s founder. Women in Balance is now a leading organization that gives back to the millions of their loyal women customers between the ages of 40 and 65 by providing education and resources on mid-life health and creating dialogue on the beauty and wisdom that comes as women transition in life. 


  • Developed vision, mission and a strategic plan for the CSR initiative

  • Established its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status

  • Created Scientific Advisory Board of world renowned experts from academic institutions including Columbia, Harvard, UCLA, and USC

  • Created communications channels and forums, engaging over 100,000 women in education through social media and conferences

  • Established over 50 partnerships with aligned businesses and non-profit organizations