Al Guida

Senior Advisor and Partner for Government Relation

Al Guida is a top strategic thinker and expert in public affairs and government relations. He is adept at advancing legislation & public policy, and impacting government and regulatory issues. His professional life has been devoted to using his talents to champion the cause of America’s most vulnerable citizens.

The Reilly Group, Inc teams with Al and his consultancy, Guide Consulting Services, Inc., to assist corporate and non-profit clients with government relations and public affairs health activities including congressional staff briefings on the science of mental health, and promoting access to treatment and services for persons with mental illness. Al also consults with the Gallup Organization on a public education program financed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to reduce the social stigma associated with mental illnesses; this project is focusing on eight demonstration states.

Before starting his government relations consulting business in 2002, Al served as Executive Director of the National Mental Health Awareness Campaign, (NMHAC), which addressed the stigma associated with mental illness.  Prior to the Campaign, Al served as Senior VP for Government Relations and Public Policy at the National Mental Health Association where he coordinated state and federal government affairs and helped to start NMHA’s State Health Care Reform Department.  In his seven-year tenure, he fought for mental health parity legislation, Medicaid expansions, the inclusion of mental health care in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and additional federal funding for the Children’s Mental Health Services Program.

Al and Colleen combine their expertise to create unique health care forums with national leaders, and have educated and trained hundreds of advocates from around the globe to advance health issues.